DUI Charges Dropped Against Former NHL Player
In early 2010, former Chicago Blackhawks star Chris Chelios had his Illinois DUI charges dismissed after a judge suppressed a police video in which Chelios admitted to "having a few drinks." After viewing the videotape, the judge blocked prosecutors from using it as evidence, ruling that police had lacked probable cause for making the arrest. After the charges were dropped Chelios plead guilty to speeding and improper lane usage, and was fined $500.
Chelios stated afterwards that he was pleased with the judge's ruling.
Every year cases similar to this one are dismissed in the United States. With a good Virginia DUI defense attorney on your side, you may walk away from your DUI charge without ever going to trial.
Virginia DUI Charges Are Not Unbeatable
Proving an invalid arrest is just one of many ways to beat your DUI charge. There are also DUI defenses for questioning breathalyzers, invalid stops, and unfair roadside tests. But you cannot beat your DUI charge without raising the proper argument.
This is why you should seek the advice of a Virginia DUI defense attorney. An attorney will investigate your case, and work with you to build a solid DUI defense as well as explain all the challenges of your specific case.
While the outcome of a Virginia DUI is never guaranteed, you shouldn't plead guilty without putting up a fight.
Virginia DUI Lawyer Bob Battle has the experience and ability to help his clients use these errors to mount a successful DUI defense. To learn more about Virginia DUI, get a free copy of Bob Battle's consumer guide, How to Choose a DUI Lawyer in Virginia. Or, contact 804-673-5600 to schedule your legal consultation today.