What are my chances of reinstating my license after a Virginia DUI?
Every Virginia DUI occurs under a different set of circumstances, and it is up to a judge to determine whether you may reinstate your driver's license. Circumstances that may affect the judge's decision include:
- Whether you've had prior DUI convictions;
- Whether anyone was hurt or killed as a result of your DUI; and
- Whether you need to drive to work, to school, or to transport or visit your children.
A judge will review each case individually, and make a decision based on the conditions in each particular case. Therefore, there is no standard, advantage, or guarantee that you'll be able to reinstate your driver's license. But you can increase your chances with the professional help of a Virginia DUI attorney.
How do I proceed?
To learn what the court requires from you to reinstate your driver's license, you may obtain your reinstatement requirements by requesting a Compliance Summary. You can get this from the DMV, and use it as a reference for any questions that you may have. You should also give a copy of this to your Virginia DUI defense attorney. Your attorney can review the requirements, and ensure that you do everything necessary to reinstate your driver's license.
You will also have to pay a reinstatement fee, which may range from $40 to $220. You may be able to pay this online without visiting the DMV.
How can a Virginia DUI defense attorney help me?
If you have been charged with a DUI in Virginia, a Virginia DUI defense attorney can help you through every step of the process. An attorney can represent you in court, help you to minimize your penalties, and get back on your feet. If you need to reinstate your driver's license after it has been suspended, an experienced attorney can make sure you complete all of the necessary steps.
Virginia DUI defense attorney Bob Battle has the experience and ability to help his clients use the prosecution's errors to mount a successful DUI defense. To learn more about Virginia DUI, get a free copy of Bob Battle's consumer guide, How to Choose a DUI Lawyer in Virginia. Or, contact 804-673-5600 to schedule your legal consultation today.