How VASAP is Funded
The most popular aspect of VASAP is that is needs absolutely no state tax dollars to function. The entity's operations are completely funded by the DUI offenders who participate in all of its programs.
VASAP also receives funds from federal highway safety grants. These monies are used to improve law enforcement training, case management, and public information dissemination statewide. Also, local VASAP offices can apply for and receive regional grants to bolster operations and add programs in their regions.
VASAP and the Big Picture
But VASAP is more than just a collection of programs. It functions as a network of resources and options for DUI offenders and their attorneys, as well as for judges and prosecutors.
People who are convicted of a Virginia DUI are presented with several ways to serve their sentences in lieu of jail time. This allows offenders to participate in programs that are designed to reduce DUI recidivism; and it relieves state taxpayers from paying for the costly incarceration of these offenders.
Prosecutors and judges benefit from VASAP programs because they have additional sentencing options they can choose from. This helps them mete out more appropriate punishments and dispose of Virginia DUI cases more effectively and efficiently.
Communities are also helped by VASAP. The entity provides funding and assistance in developing and monitoring programs pertaining to substance abuse education and awareness. These outreach programs help the public become conscious of the problems associated with substance abuse. The programs also encourage individuals to make the correct choices to help ensure that they are never arrested for DUI.
If you have any questions about details surrounding the Virginia Alcohol and Substance Abuse Program, you should consult with your DUI attorney.
Finding the Right Virginia DUI Attorney
The penalties for DUI in Virginia are too severe to permit courts to ‘look the other way' when police officers make errors. However, there is one certainty at a DUI trial - the DUI defendant cannot prevail on an issue his lawyer fails to recognize and raise!
If you have been arrested for DUI in Virginia, there is no time to waste! Get a free copy of Bob Battle's consumer guide, How to Choose a DUI Lawyer in Virginia. Or, contact 804-673-5600 to schedule your legal consultation today.