If you are wondering whether to exercise your right to counsel for your Virginia DUI, the simple answer is YES.
Under the sixth amendment to the U.S. Constitution, you have the right to an attorney, and without an attorney you may receive the harshest penalties allowed. This can mean a hefty fine, a license suspension, and some serious jail time.
The purpose of securing representation by a Virginia DUI defense attorney is to have an expert on your side. A good attorney should have a firm grasp of Virginia's DUI laws and a commitment to defending your rights. They will know what circumstances in your case may lead to a dismissal, and the strongest arguments that can be made to build your DUI defense.
But without an expert Virginia DUI attorney, you will face the system alone. You'll have no one to offer you a deeper understanding of the legal proceedings, and what options you may have. An experienced DUI defense attorney, on the other hand, will guide you through the process, telling you what to expect at each level of your case. They may also be able to negotiate a plea deal that will minimize your penalties.
If you have recently been charged with a Virginia DUI, you probably have a lot of questions about where to go from here. Visit our article library to learn more about hiring a Virginia DUI defense lawyer to work on your case.
Virginia DUI Lawyer Bob Battle has the experience and ability to help his clients use the prosecution's errors to mount a successful DUI defense. To learn more about Virginia DUI, get a free copy of Bob Battle's consumer guide, How to Choose a DUI Lawyer in Virginia. Or, contact 804-673-5600 to schedule your legal consultation today.
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