If you have been charged with a Virginia DUI, the cost of a conviction can be far more damaging than the costs of fighting your charge. After a Virginia DUI conviction, you may face costs including:
- Court costs and administrative fees;
- Fines;
- Fees to reinstate your suspended driver's license;
- A payment to enroll in the sheriff's work program; and
- A payment to enroll in alcohol education and prevention courses.
After a Virginia DUI conviction, you will also see a considerable rise in your auto insurance rates. Furthermore, you may also have to pay for a court-ordered ignition interlock system, which is a breathalyzer device that you will be required to use in order to start your car.
On top of all this, a Virginia DUI conviction can affect your ability to get to and from work, as well as prevent you from getting certain jobs that you may apply to in the future. On the other hand, you may be able to avoid all of this by fighting your Virginia DUI charge.
With the help of a Virginia DUI defense attorney, you may be able to build a winning Virginia DUI defense. If you beat your charge, your most significant cost will be to pay your Virginia DUI defense attorney. Attorney's fees generally vary, so before you hire an attorney, ask them how much they will charge to fight your Virginia DUI.
How can a Virginia DUI defense attorney help me?
No state is faster at moving cases through the system than Virginia. In the face of defending against Virginia DUI charges, the decision of who will be your lawyer will be one of the most important decisions you make in your life. Before you speak to any lawyer, get a FREE copy of Bob Battle's consumer guide, How to Choose a DUI Lawyer in Virginia. Or contact Bob Battle to schedule your legal consultation today - 804-673-5600.