Fighting Reckless Driving Charges in Dinwiddie County -
Virginia's Original Home of Making 81 in a 70 mph Zone a Criminal Offense
Virginia and out of state drivers caught driving 81 mph in Dinwiddie County, Virginia may be charged with reckless driving. Officers in Dinwiddie County do not give breaks to people they catch driving 81 mph or higher.
Portions of Interstate 85 in Dinwiddie County were the first Virginia counties to receive permission to increase the speed limit from 65 mph to 70 mph which means that you may face a criminal charge for driving 11 miles over the speed limit!
Potential Consequences of a Dinwiddie County, VA Reckless Driving Conviction
As soon as you are charged with reckless driving speeding in Dinwiddie County, VA you face a potential criminal sentence. That sentence may include jail time. If you are convicted, you will also face a permanent criminal record that must be disclosed on future job applications and that will affect your ability to get hired, get a security clearance, get a loan and get affordable car insurance.
In Virginia, "reckless driving speeding" is not merely a glorified speeding ticket and should be treated with the same gravity as other criminal charges.
Advantages of Hiring Dinwiddie County Reckless Driving Lawyer Bob Battle
You can always choose to represent yourself in court. Aside from the obvious disadvantages of not knowing the technical defenses to radar, laser, or a pace and not knowing the judge's typical sentences and rulings, there is another reason to consider hiring an experienced Dinwiddie County reckless driving attorney. Dinwiddie County allows lawyers to meet with the officers prior to court to plea bargain but does not afford that right to pro se litigants who are unrepresented by counsel.
As a former prosecutor and a Virginia litigator with 30 years of experience, Attorney Bob Battle is a skilled, top rated trial lawyer who will fight hard to protect you against the potential lifelong effects of a Dinwiddie County reckless driving conviction.
Learn What Others are Saying About Dinwiddie County Reckless Driving Attorney Bob Battle
Bob Battle is the lawyer who has "written the book" about Virginia reckless driving laws. Radio, TV and newspaper reporters frequently call Bob as an expert on reckless driving in Virginia. He has recently been interviewed by the WTOP radio, CBS6 News and the Baltimore Sun.
You can have a copy of Bob's book, "The Shocking Truth about Reckless Driving Speeding in Virginia" right now. Simply click on the book's title for your free copy!
Experience and Highest Ratings Working for You!
Bob is committed to helping you if you've been charged with reckless driving in Dinwiddie County. Call the top rated, experienced Dinwiddie reckless driving speeding attorney that the media calls when a reckless driving story breaks.
Call Bob at 804.673.5600