Before you speak to any lawyer about your case, get this free consumer guide, "The Shocking Truth About Reckless Driving Speeding in Virginia."
Out-of-state and out-of-area motorists, this is a serious criminal charge!
Every day, hundreds of men and women are charged with reckless driving speeding in Virginia. In particular, out-of-state motorists are shocked to find out that what they had initially perceived to be a "glorified speeding ticket" carries with it potentially devastating consequences:
- Go to Jail In some Virginia courts Motorists routinely go to jail and lose their license for speeds above 90 mph.
- Permanent Criminal Record Unlike a traffic offense, the criminal conviction is permanent!
- Loss of Job, Security Clearance, and/or Commercial License Even those who were cited travelling 80mph and above are looking at a possible loss of job, driver's license (including commercial driver's licenses), and security clearance.
- Insurance Nightmare In fact, some insurance companies are raising rates more for a conviction of reckless driving speeding than for a DUI.
Free Consumer Guide Reveals the Facts You Need to Know
A controversial new book from former prosecutor Bob Battle separates the myths from the facts and reveals how to get your case successfully resolved, in many cases without you ever having to appear in court. This free consumer guide is a must-read, especially for out-of-state and out-of-area motorists not familiar with the way area courts along I-95, I-85, and I-64 handle traffic cases. Virginia has the harshest reckless driving speeding laws in the country!
Questions answered in the book include:
"Should I hire an attorney?"(p. 24) and
"Why am I getting so many letters from Virginia lawyers?" (p. 28)
The book also arms you with the 10 questions you must demand answers to of any attorney prior to hiring them to have the best chance at winning your case (p. 29-38), especially "Who is coming to court for my trial?" (p. 30-32)
After more than 36 years litigating thousands of serious traffic cases, Bob Battle's advice is this: beware lazy lawyers who give misleading sales pitches, then:
- Send a less-experienced lawyer to court (at your expense)
- Are unaware of the technical defenses to Radar, Laser, VASCAR, and Paces
- Talk a good game, but plead you guilty without a fight
- Whose only actual contact with your case is when they case your check!
Free, No Obligation Information- As Featured on TV and Radio
Author and attorney Bob Battle has been interviewed by CNN, the CBS Evening News, and The Washington Post on Virginia's reckless driving speeding laws. He is a former prosecutor and federal law clerk who has earned the highest ratings a lawyer can obtain for legal ability and ethics. He has received national attention for his defense of several current and former professional athletes and public figures.
Get the book that has been featured on CBS News, the Baltimore Sun and WTOP radio. To order your free copy of "The Shocking Truth About Reckless Driving Speeding", complete and submit the form below or call us at 804-673-5600.