Richmond Virginia DUI 2nd Offense Reduced on Appeal
"Hiring you was the best investment I’ve made in my life!"
“When I was involved in an accident in the City of Richmond and charged with a 2nd DUI, I was extremely concerned about what would happen at court. I initially hired an attorney whose entire “defense strategy” unfortunately (and to my great dismay) was to hope the witnesses did not show up at trial. When my case was called and the witnesses came forward, I could see my lawyer, who told me the witnesses were not there, was visibly shaken! Needless to say, we lost the case, I was given a lengthy jail sentence, my license was suspended outright for 3 years, and I was also required to perform a large number of hours of community service.
I decided to appeal and my attorney wrote me a nasty letter which basically made me the scapegoat for everything that went wrong at trial. I knew that I needed to conduct an extensive search for a fearless and aggressive DUI lawyer who would prevent a repeat of the disaster in the lower court. My research led me to make an appointment with you. From the moment I set foot in your office, it was like night and day in terms of your knowledge of DUI defense and strategy compared to my other lawyer.
At trial on appeal to the Richmond Circuit Court, I overheard the prosecutor tell you that he would not offer anything different than my previous sentence unless you could convince him that he had a problem proving his case. You explained to him several issues about whether the field sobriety tests were admissible and whether the breath result would be admissible since no one knew how long my accident had occurred prior to the police arriving. You also told the prosecutor your argument that the prior conviction would not be admissible on Constitutional grounds. Thus, you were making strong arguments attacking every aspect of the government’s case- the proof of a prior conviction, the field tests and the breath result. The prosecutor conceded the problem with the breath test and allowed me to plead to a first offense DUI with no jail time and an immediate restricted license!
You certainly charged more than my first lawyer, but I learned my lesson- you get what you pay for. Hiring you was the best investment I’ve made in my life! Thanks again.”
-Client, Richmond, VA