Virginia is not your home. However, this holiday season you found yourself visiting the Commonwealth of Virginia and leaving the state with more than fond holiday memories and family photos. This visit has also left you with a charge of reckless driving.
There Are Things That You Need to Know Right Now
Your home state may, or may not, have a law similar to Virginia’s reckless driving with speeding law. Right now that is irrelevant to your concerns, because the state that has a criminal charge pending against you is Virginia. Accordingly, there are some things that you need to know about Virginia’s reckless driving with speeding law. Specifically:
- This is not just a speeding ticket. You have been charged with a crime, and not just a traffic violation.
- The potential consequences of a conviction for reckless driving with speeding are serious. People who are convicted of driving over 90 mph in Virginia receive longer average jail sentences than people convicted of some felony drug possessions, felony shoplifting, felony embezzlement, and DUI. If you are convicted of driving over 80 mph, then you still face dismal consequences and may have a permanent criminal record.
- You need to know exactly what you are up against. You wouldn’t face any other type of criminal charge without learning more about your rights and without defending yourself. It is important that you take the time to do just that if you are faced with criminal charges of reckless driving while speeding in Virginia.
Your holidays may have been ruined by this criminal charge, but your new year may not have to include a suspended license or jail time. To learn more about what you can do to protect your rights and fight these charges, please read our FREE report, The Shocking Truth About Reckless Driving/Speeding in Virginia, and please contact Bob directly via this website to schedule an initial consultation.