You can download your copy at
(you may need to copy and paste the entire link into your browser)
I have gained national fame for my success in serious traffic defenses.
I spend almost every day in court and see first hand the
consequences of incompetent lawyering.
You should read this book before you speak with another Virginia attorney so you will have greater knowledge about the seriousness of your charge and how to choose the best lawyer for your case. You will save yourself headaches later!
After reading the book, if you decide you'd like to consult with us about your Virginia Reckless Driving Speeding charge simply call my office at
(804) 673-5600.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Bob Battle
[email protected]
PS: If you have any problems getting the link to work or opening
the file, please let me know by simply replying to this email. I
want you to read this book before you make any decisions concerning
your case.
1506 Willow Lawn Drive, Suite 121, Richmond, VA 23230